Material Database (Operation presets)


Material database is a friendly name for the more formal name Operation Presets,  not bound with any real material definition. Instead, is a database used to store Operation presets that could be Grouped on a Material labeled group.

It's flexible, so could organized the way the user wants.

Example 1 - Operation over Material

  • Group: Light Engrave (Operation definition)
    • Preset 1 (Laser Cut): On wood 3mm
      • Power: 2%, CutRate: 1000mm/min ...
    • Preset 2 (Laser Cut): On acrylic 6mm
      • Power: 5%, CutRate: 500mm/min

Example 2 - Material over Operation

  • Group: Plywood (Material definition)
    • Preset 1 (Laser Cut): Just engrave
      • Power: 2%, CutRate: 1000mm/min ...
    • Preset 2 (Laser Fill): Wipe material 
      • Power: 10%, CutRate: 2000mm/min



Accessing on Settings tab, under machine profiles, click the button Material Database.

Main UI

The full screen modal presents the next view:

Machine profile filter: Used to filter the operation lists upon a specific machine profile.

Groupings pane: In this pane, user could add a new Group for Presets. Click on Add to append a new Group, Delete to trash the selected Group.

Group pane: This pane shows the details of the current group selected. Possible actions are edit the definition, using Edit button.
This Pane also reveal a default template definition. Its purpose is to define a base operation preset that will be used as start definition when adding an Operation Preset from Operation Presets pane. This template could be copied to other Group using the clone dropdown below.

Operation Presets: An operation preset is the main object of work. This could be added with the Add Button, trashed with Delete. Each entry could be shown/hidden clicking its label. Edition is enabled using Edit button each row.
Upon edition, an operation preset contains its name and notes definition, used to describe itself whatever the user want. The Profile field binds that preset for an specific profile.
The type dropdown lets choose the Type of the available operations (Laser cut, laser fill, milling, etc...) The parameters used in this preset will overwrite the ones chosen on CAM:Operations/Operation wizard Icon

Import/Export Tools: The footer of the modal presents buttons to download the MDB as JSON, CSV, and upload a database (JSON only for the moment.)

CAM:Operations UI: The Wizard Icon

On the CAM tab, under each operation to be added to a document, there's an icon (a Magic Wand) that pops up the Material database picker.
This will allow the user to navigate through the Database and apply the preset chosen.

